Animal Health and NutritionProduct:Biopol XT 300
DetergentsProduct:Biopol NX
Textiles & LeatherProducts:Advacel AC 2500 & Advacel 3300 (Biopolish Acidic Liquid)Advacel NE (Abrasion on Denims Powder Acidic)Advasize Concentrate (Concentrated Desizer for Textile woven fabrics)Advacet Concentrate (Concentrated catalase enzymes for peroxide killing)
SoftenersProducts:Aquaphil & Softex Range
BakingProduct:Biopol NXT
FeedProducts:Biopol XP for Dairy FeedBiopol SP for Poultry Feed
BeveragesProduct:Biopol TR
Professional CleaningProduct:Biopol Extreme 10
AgricultureProduct:Biopol NIT
Pulp and PaperProduct:Biopol PP